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31+ IT Side Hustles to Make Extra Cash

Are you eager to turn your tech skills into a profitable venture? IT side hustles are more than just a buzzword. They’re a path to financial freedom and personal fulfillment for tech enthusiasts.

In today’s digital era, the demand for IT expertise is soaring. This opens a wide range of opportunities for those ready to explore freelance and entrepreneurial ventures. From the flexibility of remote work to the excitement of creating something new, these side hustles offer a unique mix of challenges and rewards.

Whether you’re an experienced professional or just beginning your financial freedom journey, there’s a spot for everyone. Explore our detailed guide and learn how you can transform your passion for technology into a thriving side hustle.

By the end of this post, you’ll understand why IT side hustles are more than a trend. They’re a lifestyle choice for those who are digitally savvy.

💸 Important Financial Note 💰
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IT Side Hustles

An IT side hustler building a website

1. Basic Website Development

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $2,000+ per project
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, web development tools

Starting with basic website development is a great entry point into the IT side hustle world. This involves creating simple yet effective websites for small businesses, which can range from static pages to slightly more dynamic sites.

Beginners can start with HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript, gradually moving to more complex languages and frameworks like PHP or React. This side hustle is not just about coding; it’s about understanding a client’s needs and translating them into a functional online presence.

It’s also a great way to learn about web hosting, domain registration, and basic SEO principles. As you grow, you can offer more tailored solutions like e-commerce integration or mobile-responsive design, which are highly sought after in today’s market.

A freelance IT writer

2. Freelance Writing for Tech Blogs

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $50 to $200+ per article
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet

Writing articles for tech websites involves creating content on various technology-related topics. This could range from the latest tech news, how-to guides, product reviews, or in-depth articles on specific technologies.

To excel in this side hustle, you need to have good research skills, a passion for technology, and the ability to write engaging and informative content. This role is perfect for those who can explain complex technical concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.

As a freelance tech writer, you’ll need to stay abreast of the latest developments in the tech world to produce relevant and timely content. This side hustle not only helps in building your knowledge and expertise in the tech field but also establishes you as a thought leader if you consistently produce high-quality content.

Networking with other tech professionals and staying active in tech communities can provide you with insights and trends that can be the basis for your articles. Additionally, understanding SEO and how to optimize your content for search engines can increase the visibility of your articles, thereby attracting more readers and potential freelance opportunities.

A freelance tech support worker for wordpress

3. WordPress Support

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $300 to $1,500+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, WordPress knowledge

With WordPress powering over 40% of all websites on the internet, offering WordPress support services is a lucrative side hustle.

This can include installing WordPress, setting up themes, customizing designs, and adding plugins. You might also handle regular maintenance tasks like updating plugins, ensuring site security, and optimizing website speed. As you gain more experience, you can offer more advanced services like custom plugin development or creating custom themes from scratch.

This side hustle requires not just technical skills but also good communication skills to understand client requirements and provide them with the appropriate solutions.

A freelance tech tutor

4. Tech Tutoring

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $15 to $50+ per hour
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, webcam, microphone

Tech tutoring involves teaching basic computer skills to beginners. This could range from how to use operating systems (like Windows or macOS), basic word processing, spreadsheet skills, or even how to safely browse the internet.

The target audience here is usually older adults, complete beginners, or small business owners looking to improve their tech skills. This side hustle is not just about having technical knowledge, it requires patience and the ability to explain complex concepts in simple, easy-to-understand terms.

You can conduct these sessions online through video calls or in-person, depending on your preference and the client’s needs.

An app tester

5. App Testing

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $10 to $50+ per hour
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer or smartphone, internet

In app testing, you provide feedback and testing services for new applications. This involves examining apps for bugs, usability issues, and providing feedback on the user interface and user experience.

As an app tester, you need to have a keen eye for detail and a good understanding of what makes a good app. This side hustle can often be done remotely, making it a flexible option. You might work with app developers who are in the final stages of development and need real-world testing scenarios. Your feedback can help improve the overall quality of the app before it goes live.

Freelancer working on social media

6. Social Media Management

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $300 to $2,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 10 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, social media tools

Helping businesses manage their social media accounts is a dynamic and ever-evolving side hustle. This role involves creating content, scheduling posts, engaging with followers, and sometimes managing social media advertising campaigns.

A good social media manager needs to stay up-to-date with the latest digital trends and understand the nuances of different platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This side hustle is perfect for those who are creative, have good writing skills, and can analyze social media metrics to adjust strategies accordingly.

A graphic designer at their computer

7. Graphic Design

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $100 to $1,000+ per project
Min. Time Per Week: 10 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, graphic design software

Creating logos, banners, and other graphics is a highly creative side hustle.

As a graphic designer, you’ll work on various projects like designing logos, business cards, brochures, website graphics, and social media posts. This role requires a good eye for design, color, and typography. You’ll need to be proficient in design software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or free alternatives like GIMP.

Understanding client needs and translating them into compelling visuals is key. This side hustle can often lead to repeat business, especially if you can create a unique brand identity for your clients.

A freelancer working on SEO tasks

8. SEO Consulting

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $2,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 10 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, SEO tools

Assisting businesses in improving their search engine rankings involves a deep understanding of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This includes keyword research, optimizing website content, improving site structure, and building backlinks.

SEO consulting is crucial because a well-optimized website attracts more organic traffic, leading to increased sales and brand visibility. Staying updated with the latest SEO trends and Google algorithms is vital in this role.

This side hustle requires analytical skills to assess a website’s current performance and recommend effective strategies.

A freelancer doing data entry

9. Data Entry Services

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $10 to $20+ per hour
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet

Offering quick and efficient data entry services involves inputting data into computer systems, databases, or spreadsheets. It requires attention to detail and accuracy.

This side hustle can include tasks like entering sales figures, cataloging inventory, or updating customer information. It’s a great option for those who prefer a more straightforward, task-oriented job. The key to success in data entry is not just speed but also maintaining high accuracy levels to ensure the integrity of the data.

A woman providing virtual tech support

10. Virtual Tech Support

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $15 to $50+ per hour
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, tech support tools

Providing remote tech support to individuals or businesses involves troubleshooting and resolving various technical issues. This could range from software problems, hardware issues, or network troubleshooting.

Good communication skills are essential in this role, as you’ll need to understand and diagnose problems often explained by non-technical users. This side hustle can be quite rewarding as you’re directly helping people overcome their tech challenges.

Someone building an ecommerce store

11. E-commerce Store Setup

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $3,000+ per project
Min. Time Per Week: 10 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, e-commerce platform knowledge

Helping set up online stores using platforms like Shopify is a sought-after service. This involves not just the technical setup of the store but also advising on best practices for e-commerce, setting up payment gateways, and potentially integrating with other tools and platforms.

As e-commerce continues to grow, businesses are looking for skilled individuals who can help them establish a strong online presence. This side hustle requires a mix of technical and marketing skills.

Someone creating an online course

12. Online Course Creation

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $100 to $1,000+ per month (varies greatly with sales)
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, course creation software, microphone, camera

Creating and selling courses on tech topics is a fantastic way to share your knowledge and make money.

This involves identifying a topic you are knowledgeable about, such as coding, software use, or cybersecurity, and developing a comprehensive curriculum. The key is to make your course engaging and informative, breaking down complex topics into digestible segments. Utilize various multimedia elements like videos, slides, and interactive quizzes to enhance the learning experience.

Marketing your course is crucial, so leveraging social media, email newsletters, and other digital marketing strategies is important. Platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Coursera can be excellent places to host your course.

Remember, the quality of your content and your ability to explain concepts clearly can set your course apart in a crowded market.

Someone watching YouTube videos

13. YouTube Tech Channel

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $50 to $1,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Camera, microphone, video editing software, lighting equipment

Starting a YouTube channel focused on tech reviews or tutorials can be both fun and profitable. This involves creating content such as unboxing new gadgets, providing tutorials on software or tech skills, or discussing the latest tech trends.

Consistency is key in building an audience, so regular posting is important. Engaging with your audience through comments and community posts can also help build a loyal viewer base. Monetization can come from ad revenue, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.

High-quality video and sound are important, so investing in a good camera and microphone can improve your production value. As your channel grows, you can explore collaborations with other tech YouTubers and brands in the industry.

Podcast editing

14. Podcast Editing

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $200 to $1,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: $200 to $1,000+ per month

Offering editing services for tech-related podcasts can be a lucrative side hustle. This involves editing audio to improve sound quality, removing unwanted sections like pauses or mistakes, and adding music or sound effects if needed.

Knowledge of audio editing software like Audacity or Adobe Audition is essential. Good communication skills are also important to understand the client’s vision for their podcast. This service is in demand as the popularity of podcasts continues to grow, and many podcasters are looking for professionals to polish their episodes. Building a portfolio of your work can help attract clients.

Fixing a mobile phone

15. Mobile Phone Repair

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $100 to $2,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Repair tools, replacement parts, diagnostic software

Providing repair services for smartphones covers a range of tasks from screen replacements to battery changes or fixing software issues. This requires some technical know-how and the right tools, but it’s a skill that can be learned through online courses or tutorials.

Offering quick and reliable service can help build a loyal customer base. You can start by offering services to friends and family, then expand by advertising locally or online. Keeping up with the latest phone models and their repair methods is important in this rapidly evolving field.

A freelancer fixing a computer

16. Computer Setup & Repair

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $2,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Repair tools, diagnostic software, spare parts

Helping people set up or repair their personal computers is a valuable service. This can include installing software, building custom PCs, troubleshooting hardware issues, or removing viruses. Good problem-solving skills and patience are key, as you might deal with non-tech-savvy clients.

You can offer remote support for software-related issues or in-home visits for hardware problems. Staying updated with the latest technology trends and understanding various operating systems are important in this field.

a tax law consultant is a great side hustle for lawyers

17. Tech Product Flipping

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $2,000+ per month (depends on investment and margins)
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Initial capital, computer, internet

Buying and reselling tech gadgets online involves finding deals on tech products and selling them for a profit. This could be through online marketplaces like eBay or Amazon. Understanding market trends and having a good sense of the value of tech items is crucial.

You’ll need to factor in costs like shipping and marketplace fees when pricing your products. This side hustle requires some initial capital to purchase inventory but can be quite profitable if done correctly.

Home network setup

18. Home Network Setup

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $300 to $1,500+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Networking tools, diagnostic software

Assisting in setting up home Wi-Fi and networks is increasingly in demand as more devices become internet-enabled. This involves installing routers, setting up Wi-Fi extenders, and ensuring optimal network security.

Knowledge of different networking equipment and troubleshooting common connectivity issues is important. Offering personalized solutions based on the size and layout of the home can set your service apart. Good customer service skills are also important as you’ll be working directly with clients in their homes.

freelance writer

19. Software Installation & Troubleshooting

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $200 to $2,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, diagnostic tools, software resources

Helping individuals or businesses install and troubleshoot software issues can range from setting up operating systems to installing complex business applications.

This requires a good understanding of different software and common issues that can arise during installation. Patience and problem-solving skills are key, as some installations can be tricky. Offering remote support can expand your client base beyond your local area.

stock images on a computer screen

20. Digital Marketing Services

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $2,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, marketing platform access

Offering digital marketing services like email campaigns or ad management involves creating and executing online marketing strategies for businesses. This could include managing social media accounts, creating content for digital ads, or developing email marketing campaigns.

Staying up-to-date with digital marketing trends and understanding analytics tools is crucial. This side hustle requires creativity and analytical skills to craft campaigns that resonate with the target audience and drive results.

a casual legal blogger

21. Affiliate Marketing

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $50 to 1,5000+ per month (highly variable)
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, platform for content (blog, social media)

Promoting tech products and earning commissions involves partnering with companies to promote their products through your channels, such as a blog, social media account, or website. This requires building a platform where you have an audience interested in tech products.

Your income depends on your ability to persuade your audience to purchase products through your affiliate links. Being honest and transparent with your audience about your affiliate relationships is important for building trust.

A consultant working at home

22. IT Consulting for Small Businesses

Experience Level: Expert
Average Pay Rates: $1,000 to $7,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, business software tools

Providing IT advice and solutions for small businesses can include a wide range of services, from setting up IT infrastructure to advising on the best software solutions. Understanding the unique needs of small businesses and offering tailored solutions is key.

This might involve on-site visits to assess their current setup and regular meetings to discuss their IT strategy. Strong communication skills and the ability to translate complex IT concepts into understandable terms are important in this role.

a web developer working at home

23. Game Development

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $5000+ per month (depends on project and sales)
Min. Time Per Week: 10 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, game development software, graphic design tools

Starting with simple mobile or web game development can be a fun and creative side hustle. This involves designing, coding, and testing games. You can use platforms like Unity or Unreal Engine to create games. Understanding programming languages like C#, Java, or HTML5 is beneficial.

This side hustle requires creativity, technical skills, and patience, as game development can be a complex and time-consuming process. However, it can also be highly rewarding to see people enjoy the games you’ve created. You can monetize your games through in-app purchases, ads, or selling them on platforms like the App Store or Google Play.

a financial blogger

24. Tech Blogging

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $100 to $2,500+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, blogging platform

Writing and monetizing a tech blog is an excellent way to share your passion for technology while earning income. This involves creating content on various tech topics, such as the latest gadgets, software reviews, tech tutorials, or industry news.

To succeed, it’s important to consistently produce high-quality, engaging, and informative content that resonates with your audience. Utilizing SEO strategies to increase your blog’s visibility on search engines is crucial. Monetization can be achieved through various channels like affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, advertisements, and selling digital products or services.

Building a strong online presence and community around your blog can lead to more opportunities, such as guest blogging, speaking engagements, and collaborations with tech companies.


24. Online Tech Workshops

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $250 to $2,300+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, webinar software, microphone, camera

Hosting online workshops to teach specific tech skills can be both rewarding and profitable.

This involves identifying in-demand tech skills (like coding, digital marketing, or data analysis), developing a curriculum, and delivering it through live sessions or pre-recorded videos. Interactive elements like Q&A sessions, hands-on exercises, and real-world projects can enhance the learning experience.

Marketing your workshops through social media, email marketing, and tech forums is key to attracting participants. Platforms like Zoom, Teachable, or Udemy can be used to host your workshops. This side hustle not only allows you to share your expertise but also helps in building your personal brand in the tech community.

A designer creating a website

25. Domain Flipping

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $50 to $10,000+ per month (highly variable)
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, domain marketplace access

Buying and selling domain names for profit, known as domain flipping, involves identifying valuable, in-demand domain names, purchasing them, and then selling them at a higher price.

Success in this field requires research to understand current market trends and future potential. Tools like Google Trends or keyword planners can help identify popular keywords. Networking in domain flipping communities and attending auctions can provide insights and opportunities.

t’s a speculative venture, so understanding the risks and having patience is important. Profits can vary greatly, but successful flips can be highly lucrative.

project manager

26. Remote IT Project Management

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $3,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 10 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, project management software

Offering remote project management services for IT projects involves overseeing and coordinating various aspects of IT projects, such as software development, system implementation, or infrastructure upgrades. This requires strong organizational, communication, and leadership skills.

Familiarity with project management tools like Asana, Trello, or JIRA is essential. You’ll need to coordinate between different stakeholders, manage timelines, budgets, and ensure that project goals are met. This side hustle can be demanding but is highly rewarding for those with a knack for leadership and organization in the tech field.

a consultant sitting at his desk

27. Cloud Storage Management

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $5000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, cloud storage management tools

Helping businesses manage their cloud storage solutions involves setting up, organizing, and maintaining their cloud storage systems. This includes ensuring data is securely stored, accessible, and backed up. Knowledge of cloud storage providers like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure is crucial.

You’ll also need to understand best practices in data security and management. This service is increasingly in demand as more businesses move their operations to the cloud. Offering personalized solutions and demonstrating a commitment to data security can set your services apart.

Cyber security

28. Cybersecurity Consulting

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $5,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, cybersecurity tools

Providing cybersecurity consultations for small businesses involves assessing their current security measures, identifying vulnerabilities, and recommending improvements.

This could include setting up firewalls, malware protection, or educating staff on security best practices. Staying updated with the latest cybersecurity threats and trends is vital. This role requires not only technical skills but also the ability to communicate complex security concepts in a simple manner.

Small businesses are often unaware of their cybersecurity needs, so this service is not only lucrative but also crucial in protecting them from digital threats.

A tech via

29. Tech Virtual Assistant

Experience Level: Beginner
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $3000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 10 hours
Equipment Needed: Computer, internet, various software knowledge

Working as a tech virtual assistant involves performing various tech-related tasks for clients remotely. This could include managing emails, scheduling appointments, data entry, or even providing customer support. Familiarity with various online tools and software is important.

Strong organizational and communication skills are essential in this role. This side hustle offers flexibility and a wide range of tasks, making it an interesting and varied option for those with general tech skills.

building a computer

30. Custom PC Building

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $3000+ per mont
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: PC building tools, components, diagnostic software

Building and selling custom PCs is a great side hustle for those passionate about computer hardware. This involves assembling PCs according to customer specifications, which could range from budget-friendly builds to high-end gaming or editing rigs.

Staying updated with the latest hardware, understanding compatibility, and having an eye for detail are key. This side hustle can be quite profitable, especially if you can carve out a niche, such as custom aesthetics or specialized performance builds.

Someone taking photos with a drone

31. Drone Photography

Experience Level: Intermediate
Average Pay Rates: $500 to $2,000+ per month
Min. Time Per Week: 5 hours
Equipment Needed: Drone, camera, editing software

Offering drone photography services for events or real estate involves capturing high-quality aerial footage.

This requires owning a good-quality drone with a camera and having the skills to operate it effectively. Knowledge of photography principles and editing software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom is also important.

You’ll need to be aware of and comply with local drone regulations. This side hustle can be highly lucrative, especially in real estate, weddings, and commercial photography. Building a portfolio of your work and networking with potential clients in these industries is key to growing your drone photography business.

Find Your NEXT Side Hustle 👇🏼

Final Thoughts: IT Side Hustles

Exploring the realm of IT side hustles opens doors to exciting opportunities tailored to your skills and interests.

If you find joy in creating and building, basic web development is a perfect match, allowing you to bring digital ideas to life. For those with a flair for writing, tech blogging offers a platform to articulate your insights and share knowledge with a wider audience. Meanwhile, WordPress support is an ideal niche for those who have mastered the nuances of this popular platform, helping others enhance their online presence.

Each of these options not only provides a pathway to extra income but also enriches your professional journey with fulfilling experiences. Embrace these top picks in IT side hustles and start crafting a career that aligns with your passions and expertise.

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