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53+ Best Side Hustles for Working Moms

Side hustles for working moms are a transformative movement reshaping how mothers balance work, life, and financial independence. Juggling the demands of a full-time job and parenting is no small feat, yet countless moms are extending their prowess beyond the 9-to-5 grind, turning passions and skills into profitable ventures.

These entrepreneurial journeys are not just about supplementing income; they’re about empowerment, creativity, and carving out personal success on one’s own terms. From leveraging professional expertise to exploring creative outlets, this post delves into a curated list of side hustles perfectly suited for the dynamic schedules and diverse talents of working moms.

Dive in to discover how side hustles for working moms are not just enhancing lifestyles but are also opening doors to new opportunities and dreams.

Side Hustles for Working Moms

A freelance writing working mom typing away at her computer, her children are in the room while she's working and playing.

1. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing offers immense flexibility, allowing working moms to craft articles, blog posts, and content for clients around their schedules.

This side hustle taps into creative and analytical skills, catering to a wide array of industries including technology, health, education, and marketing. Successful freelance writers often specialize in a niche, enhancing their demand and earning potential.

Building a portfolio website and leveraging freelance platforms like Upwork or Contently can help secure initial clients. Networking, consistent quality delivery, and meeting deadlines are key to growing this side hustle.

2. Virtual Assistant Services

Virtual assistants provide administrative support to businesses or entrepreneurs from a remote location. Services can range from managing emails, scheduling appointments, bookkeeping, to social media management.

This side hustle is ideal for organized, detail-oriented women with strong communication skills. Starting requires a reliable internet connection, a computer, and proficiency in office software. Platforms like VA Networking or Zirtual can be a good starting point to find clients.

Virtual assistant work offers the flexibility to choose clients and projects that fit one’s schedule, making it a suitable option for working moms that need something during the evenings or weekends.

3. Blogging about Parenting or Other Interests

Blogging provides a platform for introverted moms to share experiences, advice, and tips on parenting or other passions. It’s a creative outlet that can build a community and generate income through advertising, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing.

Successful blogging requires consistency, quality content, and understanding of SEO practices to drive traffic. Engaging with your audience through comments and social media can enhance visibility and growth. Over time, a well-maintained blog can become a significant source of passive income, offering flexibility to work on your terms.

4. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral. It’s an excellent side hustle for working moms who can leverage their blogs, social media, or other platforms to recommend products they love.

Success in affiliate marketing depends on choosing the right partners, creating authentic content, and engaging an audience interested in those recommendations. It requires minimal upfront investment but offers potential for significant returns as your audience grows and trusts your endorsements.

5. Selling Handmade Crafts on Etsy

Etsy is a popular platform for selling handmade and vintage items, from jewelry to home decor. This side hustle is perfect for creative moms who enjoy crafting and want to monetize their hobby.

Success on Etsy involves creating unique, high-quality products, excellent photography, and understanding SEO to stand out in search results. Customer service and the ability to fulfill orders efficiently are also crucial. While competitive, Etsy offers a global marketplace and a supportive community of sellers.

6. Graphic Design Services

Graphic design services cater to the need for logos, branding materials, websites, and social media content.

This side hustle suits moms with a background in design, offering the flexibility to work with clients worldwide. Building a strong portfolio and leveraging social media for marketing can attract clients. Freelance platforms and word-of-mouth referrals are also effective ways to grow your business.

Staying updated with the latest design trends and software can enhance your offerings and appeal to a wider client base.

7. Social Media Management

Managing social media for businesses or personal brands can be a lucrative side hustle. It involves creating content, scheduling posts, engaging with followers, and analyzing engagement data. This role suits tech-savvy moms with excellent communication skills and a knack for understanding social media trends.

Success requires staying up-to-date with platform changes and content strategies. Building a portfolio and using social media to showcase your own expertise can help attract clients looking for someone to elevate their online presence.

8. Online Tutoring

Online tutoring offers a flexible way to leverage your expertise in subjects like math, science, or languages to help students learn. Platforms like or VIPKid connect tutors with students worldwide.

This side hustle requires patience, excellent communication skills, and a passion for teaching. Setting your hours and choosing subjects you’re passionate about can make online tutoring a rewarding and flexible income source for working moms.

9. Teaching Online Courses

Creating and teaching online courses allows moms to share their expertise on platforms like Udemy or Teachable. Whether it’s a professional skill, hobby, or academic subject, online courses can reach a global audience.

Success involves creating comprehensive, engaging content and promoting your courses through social media and email marketing. This side hustle can generate passive income over time, as courses can be sold repeatedly without additional work per sale.

A working mom writing a book as her side hustle. Her child is playing beside her.

10. E-book Writing and Publishing

Writing and publishing e-books offer a way to share knowledge, stories, or expertise on a wide range of topics. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing make it easier for authors to publish and distribute their work globally.

Successful e-book publishing requires writing compelling content, an attractive cover design, and marketing efforts to reach potential readers. This side hustle can become a source of passive income, allowing for flexibility in balancing work and family life.

11. Podcasting on Topics of Expertise or Interest

Podcasting is a growing field that allows individuals to share insights, stories, or entertain audiences on various topics.

Starting a podcast requires minimal equipment and can be done from home. Success in podcasting comes from creating engaging content, consistent publishing, and effective promotion through social media and podcast networks. Monetization can be achieved through sponsorships, advertisements, and listener support.

Podcasting not only allows for flexible scheduling but also offers a platform to build a community around shared interests or expertise.

12. Web Design Services

Web design services offer a creative and technical outlet for moms skilled in creating websites.

This side hustle involves designing visually appealing and user-friendly websites for businesses or individuals. Success hinges on understanding web design principles, proficiency in design software, and staying updated on the latest web technologies.

Networking and showcasing your portfolio online can attract clients. This flexible work can often be done on your schedule, making it an excellent option for working moms looking to leverage their design skills.

13. SEO Consulting

SEO consulting is perfect for moms with expertise in search engine optimization, aiming to help businesses improve their online visibility. This role involves analyzing websites, conducting keyword research, and implementing strategies to enhance search engine rankings.

Staying abreast of SEO trends and algorithm updates is crucial. Effective communication and analytical skills are essential to explain complex concepts to clients and deliver measurable improvements. This side hustle offers the flexibility to work with clients globally, often on a project basis.

14. Translation Services

Translation services cater to the demand for converting documents or content from one language to another. This side hustle is ideal for bilingual or multilingual moms with strong language skills.

Success in this field requires proficiency in both the source and target languages, attention to detail, and cultural sensitivity. Establishing a specialization in areas like legal, medical, or technical translation can increase demand for your services.

Freelance platforms and networking can help find clients, offering a flexible work schedule.

15. Resume Writing Services

Resume writing services involve helping job seekers craft compelling resumes that highlight their skills and achievements. This side hustle suits moms with a background in human resources, recruitment, or excellent writing skills.

Understanding current job market trends and resume standards is crucial. Building a portfolio of before-and-after resumes can help attract clients. This role can be highly rewarding, offering flexible hours and the satisfaction of helping others advance their careers.

A woman filming a fitness video at her home, her child is in the living room watching.

16. Personal Fitness Training (online or in-person)

Personal fitness training offers a way to share your passion for health and fitness with others.

Whether conducting sessions online via video calls or in-person, this side hustle requires certification and a deep understanding of fitness principles. Tailoring workout programs to individual client needs, motivational skills, and maintaining a flexible schedule are essential.

This career path allows for significant flexibility and the opportunity to positively impact others’ health and wellness.

17. Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition coaching is a fulfilling side hustle for moms with knowledge in nutrition and a desire to help others achieve their health goals.

This role involves assessing clients’ dietary habits and creating personalized nutrition plans. Certification in nutrition or dietetics can enhance credibility. Success depends on staying updated with nutritional science, empathetic communication, and the ability to motivate and support clients.

Offering services online can provide flexibility and the convenience of working from home.

18. Life Coaching

Life coaching offers the chance to guide individuals in achieving their personal and professional goals. This side hustle requires strong listening skills, empathy, and the ability to motivate and hold clients accountable.

Certification from a reputable coaching institution can boost your credibility. Life coaches often specialize in areas such as career, relationships, or personal growth. Marketing your services through social media and networking can attract clients, with the work being conducted online or in person, offering flexible scheduling.

19. Childproofing Consulting

Childproofing consulting is a niche yet essential service for families looking to make their homes safer for children.

This side hustle involves assessing homes for potential hazards and recommending safety measures. Success in this field requires knowledge of child safety products and regulations. Building trust with clients and offering personalized, practical solutions are key.

This business can be marketed to local parenting groups and through pediatrician offices, offering flexibility in scheduling consultations.

20. Online Store through Shopify or Amazon FBA

Running an online store on platforms like Shopify or Amazon FBA allows moms to sell products worldwide. This side hustle involves selecting products, managing inventory, and handling customer service. Success requires market research, effective marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.

Amazon FBA can also handle shipping, reducing the workload. This option offers scalability and the flexibility to work around family commitments, though it may require initial investment and ongoing management.

A woman taking a product photo.

21. Dropshipping Business

Dropshipping is an e-commerce model where you sell products without holding inventory. When a customer makes a purchase, the order is fulfilled by a third-party supplier who ships directly to the customer. This side hustle is appealing for its low upfront investment and ease of management.

Success hinges on selecting a profitable niche, building a user-friendly website, and effective digital marketing. While flexible, dropshipping requires continuous market research and customer service dedication.

22. Photography Services

Photography services offer a creative outlet for moms skilled with a camera. This side hustle can include portraits, family photography, events, or product photography. Building a portfolio, networking, and social media marketing are essential for attracting clients.

Flexibility in scheduling shoots around family commitments and the potential for high project-based earnings make this an appealing option for artistically inclined moms.

23. Event Planning Services

Event planning services cater to individuals or businesses looking to host events without the hassle of managing details. This role requires organizational skills, creativity, and the ability to manage budgets and vendors.

Networking and a portfolio of successfully planned events can help attract clients. While event planning can involve weekend and evening work, it offers the satisfaction of bringing joy to others and the flexibility to work on a project basis.

24. Home Organization Services

Home organization services appeal to clients looking to declutter and optimize their living spaces. This side hustle suits moms with a knack for organization and design.

Success involves understanding clients’ needs, providing practical and aesthetic storage solutions, and the ability to work efficiently. Marketing services through before-and-after photos and testimonials can attract clients, offering flexible hours and the fulfillment of creating harmonious living spaces.

25. Interior Design Consulting

Interior design consulting allows moms with an eye for design to offer advice on home aesthetics, space planning, and décor. This side hustle requires knowledge of design principles, trends, and the ability to visualize and communicate ideas effectively.

Building a portfolio and using social media to showcase your work can help attract clients. While projects may have deadlines, work hours can often be flexible, allowing for a balance between professional and family life.

26. Virtual Event Planning

Virtual event planning caters to the growing demand for online gatherings, from webinars to virtual conferences. This role involves coordinating technology, content, and participant engagement for successful virtual events.

Strong organizational skills, familiarity with online event platforms, and creativity in event design are essential. Marketing your services to businesses and organizations can provide flexible, project-based work, allowing for a balance between career aspirations and family responsibilities.

27. Voice-Over Work

Voice-over work allows moms to lend their voices to commercials, audiobooks, educational videos, and more.

This side hustle requires a clear voice, proper enunciation, and sometimes acting skills. Setting up a home studio with a good microphone and soundproofing is essential for producing quality recordings. Marketing yourself on platforms like or through social media can help secure gigs.

This work offers great flexibility, as recordings can often be scheduled and completed around family obligations.

A mom working from home while her baby sleeps in a swing behind her.

28. Remote Customer Service Representative

Remote customer service roles enable moms to work from home, providing support via phone, email, or chat. This job requires excellent communication skills, patience, and a quiet workspace.

Companies across various industries hire for these positions, offering flexible shifts that can fit a busy mom’s schedule. Success in this role involves being empathetic, solution-oriented, and capable of managing multiple tasks efficiently. This side hustle can offer a steady income and sometimes benefits like health insurance.

29. Data Entry Services

Data entry is a straightforward side hustle that involves inputting information into databases, spreadsheets, or other formats. This job requires attention to detail, typing accuracy, and basic computer skills.

It’s well-suited for moms looking for flexible, non-phone work that can be done from home. Finding data entry work can be as simple as checking job boards or freelancing sites. While not the highest-paying side hustle, it can provide a steady stream of work with very flexible hours.

30. Transcription Services

Transcription involves listening to audio recordings and typing them into written documents. This side hustle requires excellent listening and typing skills, as well as familiarity with the subject matter being transcribed. Specialized fields like medical or legal transcription may require additional training.

Platforms like Rev or TranscribeMe offer a good starting point for finding work, especially if you want more frequent pay. Transcription allows for a flexible schedule, making it a viable option for moms who can work during quiet hours.

31. Online Researcher

Online researchers are tasked with gathering, analyzing, and compiling information on various topics for businesses, writers, or academic professionals. This side hustle requires strong internet research skills, critical thinking, and attention to detail.

Freelancing websites and academic institutions can be sources of work. The ability to work independently and efficiently is key, offering flexibility in work hours and the potential to work on a variety of interesting projects.

32. Bookkeeping Services

Providing bookkeeping services involves managing financial records, including transactions, expenses, and revenues for small businesses. This role requires knowledge of accounting software and a keen eye for detail.

Certification as a bookkeeper can enhance credibility and attract clients. With businesses increasingly open to remote work, this side hustle offers the flexibility to manage clients’ books on your schedule, making it an excellent choice for numerically inclined moms.

33. Tax Preparation Services

Tax preparation is a seasonal side hustle that involves helping individuals or businesses prepare their tax returns. It requires knowledge of tax laws and regulations, which can be acquired through courses or certification programs.

Building a clientele may start with friends and family and expand through word of mouth. This work is particularly flexible, with high demand concentrated in the months leading up to the tax filing deadline.

34. Consulting in Your Area of Expertise

Leveraging professional expertise to offer consulting services can be a lucrative side hustle. This option is ideal for moms with specialized skills or knowledge in fields like marketing, finance, education, or IT.

Consulting can involve advising businesses, conducting workshops, or speaking at industry events. Building a network and marketing your services online can help attract clients. This side hustle offers significant flexibility in choosing projects and setting your schedule.

35. Homemade Gourmet Foods or Baked Goods Sales

Selling homemade gourmet foods or baked goods taps into culinary skills, turning a passion for cooking or baking into a profitable venture. Success requires compliance with local food safety regulations and a knack for creating delicious, marketable products.

Social media and local farmers’ markets in the summer can be effective channels for sales. This side hustle allows for creativity in the kitchen and flexible working hours, though it might require weekend work at markets.

36. Personal Chef Services

Personal chef services cater to clients looking for customized meal preparation in their homes. This role requires culinary skills, flexibility to meet dietary preferences, and excellent organizational abilities. Building a client base can start with networking and leveraging social media.

While the job may involve travel to clients’ homes, it offers the flexibility to schedule cooking sessions around other commitments and the joy of bringing healthy, delicious meals to busy families.

37. Meal Prep Services

Meal prep services involve preparing a week’s worth of meals for clients, focusing on health, convenience, and taste. This requires cooking skills, understanding of nutrition, and the ability to efficiently plan and execute a variety of meals.

Marketing through social media and word of mouth can attract busy professionals and families. This side hustle offers the satisfaction of helping others eat healthily and the flexibility to batch work on specific days.

38. Gardening or Landscaping Services

Offering gardening or landscaping services is ideal for moms with a green thumb and a love for the outdoors. Services can range from lawn care to garden design and maintenance.

This side hustle requires knowledge of plants, design skills, and physical stamina. Local advertising and word of mouth can help build a client base. While the work is seasonal and weather-dependent, it allows for a great deal of scheduling flexibility and the joy of working in nature.

39. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking

Pet sitting and dog walking services cater to pet owners needing care for their animals during work hours or vacations. This side hustle requires a love for animals, reliability, and good organizational skills.

Building trust with clients is key, often through word of mouth or pet care platforms like Rover. This work offers flexible hours, the companionship of pets, and the opportunity for outdoor activity.

40. Mobile Car Wash and Detailing

A mobile car wash and detailing service offers convenience to clients by coming to their location. This side hustle requires investment in equipment and supplies but can be rewarding for those who enjoy meticulous work.

Marketing through local advertising and social media, along with offering package deals, can attract clients. This business allows for scheduling flexibility and the satisfaction of providing a valuable, visible service.

41. Home Cleaning Services

Providing home cleaning services involves offering regular or one-time cleaning for residential clients. This side hustle requires physical stamina, attention to detail, and trustworthiness.

Building a clientele may start with friends and referrals, expanding through advertising and online listings. The job offers flexible hours and the possibility of significant income as you gain clients and possibly expand to hire additional help.

42. Laundry Services

Offering laundry services is a practical side hustle for working moms who can manage laundry tasks efficiently. This service can include washing, drying, folding, and even ironing clothes for clients.

Success in this venture requires organizational skills, reliability, and attention to detail to ensure clothing is cared for properly. Marketing through local classifieds and social media, along with word-of-mouth referrals, can help build a client base.

This side hustle offers flexible scheduling, as laundry can be processed during predetermined times, allowing for clear boundaries between work and family time.

43. Virtual Personal Stylist

Virtual personal styling is a modern side hustle that leverages fashion sense and the convenience of online communication. Stylists consult with clients via video calls or messaging apps, offering advice on wardrobe, personal shopping, and style makeovers.

This role requires a good eye for fashion, understanding of current trends, and the ability to personalize advice to fit clients’ tastes and body types. Building a portfolio on social media and fashion platforms can attract clients worldwide, offering the flexibility to work from anywhere at any time.

44. Jewelry Making and Sales

Crafting and selling jewelry combines creativity with entrepreneurship. This side hustle is perfect for moms with a talent for making beautiful, handmade jewelry pieces.

Success hinges on creating unique designs, sourcing quality materials, and effective online marketing, often through platforms like Etsy or Instagram. This business allows for setting your own pace and schedule, making it a flexible option for managing work and family.

Engaging with customers and participating in local craft fairs or online marketplaces can expand your reach.

45. DIY Home Decor to Sell Online

Selling DIY home decor online taps into the growing market for unique and personalized home items. This side hustle requires creativity, skill in crafting appealing decor items, and understanding of e-commerce to effectively sell products on platforms like Etsy, eBay, or your own website.

Success involves staying on top of home decor trends, excellent product photography, and leveraging social media for digital marketing. This venture offers the flexibility to work on projects at your own pace, making it a good fit for moms looking to blend creativity with commerce.

46. Subscription Box Service

Starting a subscription box service involves curating and delivering boxes of themed or niche products to subscribers on a regular basis.

This side hustle requires a keen eye for selecting products, understanding customer preferences, and managing subscriptions and shipping. Identifying a unique niche, whether it’s gourmet foods, beauty products, or eco-friendly items, can help stand out in the market.

This business model offers scalability and the excitement of building a community around a shared interest, with the flexibility to manage operations around family commitments.

47. Online Community Management

Online community management is an excellent side hustle for moms skilled in digital communication and engagement. This role involves moderating forums, social media groups, or brand communities, ensuring a positive environment, and fostering discussions.

Success requires excellent communication skills, empathy, and a knack for digital tools and platforms. This flexible, remote-friendly work can often be done asynchronously, fitting well into varied schedules and allowing for engagement with diverse groups and topics.

48. Mobile App Development

Developing mobile apps is a technical side hustle that suits moms with coding skills and innovative ideas. This venture involves designing, coding, and launching apps for smartphones and tablets.

Success in this field requires proficiency in programming languages like Swift or Java, a deep understanding of user experience design, and the ability to market your app effectively. While app development can be time-consuming, it offers the potential for significant returns and the flexibility to work on projects at your own pace.

49. YouTube Channel on DIY, Cooking, Parenting, etc.

Creating content for a YouTube channel allows moms to share their knowledge and passions in areas like DIY projects, cooking, or parenting tips. Success on YouTube comes from creating engaging, high-quality videos, understanding SEO, and building a community of subscribers.

Consistency in posting content and interacting with viewers can enhance channel growth. This platform offers the potential for income through ad revenue, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing, with the flexibility to film and edit videos around family schedules.

50. Personal Shopping Services

Personal shopping services cater to clients who lack the time or expertise to shop for themselves.

This side hustle requires a good sense of style, understanding of client needs, and knowledge of current trends. Building a client base can start with offering services to friends and expanding through word of mouth and social media promotion.

The extra money hustle can vary from wardrobe updates to gift shopping, offering flexible hours and the satisfaction of helping others enhance their personal or professional image.

51. Remote Tech Support Services

Providing remote tech support services is ideal for moms with technical expertise looking to assist clients with software, hardware, or networking issues. This side hustle requires problem-solving skills, patience, and the ability to communicate technical concepts clearly.

Marketing services can be through online platforms, local businesses, or word-of-mouth referrals. This flexible, remote work allows for setting your own hours, making it a suitable option for tech-savvy moms.

52. Peer-to-Peer Lending or Investing

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending or investing involves directly lending money to individuals or businesses through online platforms, earning interest as a return. This side hustle requires capital to start and a willingness to manage risk, as returns depend on borrowers repaying their loans.

Successful P2P investors diversify their investments and carefully select platforms and loans. This passive income opportunity allows for flexibility in investment choices and the potential for higher returns compared to traditional savings accounts.

53. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) Investing

Investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) allows moms to generate income through real estate without directly buying or managing properties. REITs own and operate income-generating real estate, and investors earn a share of the income produced.

Success requires researching and selecting strong REITs, understanding market trends, and managing investment portfolios. This side hustle offers the potential for passive income and capital appreciation, with the flexibility of stock market investments.

54. Creating and Selling Online Courses or Workshops in Your Field

Developing and selling online courses or workshops allows moms to monetize their expertise in a specific field. This side hustle requires creating comprehensive, engaging content, and leveraging platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or your own website to host and sell courses.

Success involves marketing your courses, engaging with students, and continually updating content. This flexible work option allows for creating courses on your schedule and the potential for passive income as courses sell over time.

Final Thoughts: Side Hustles for Working Moms

There are SO MANY great ideas if you’re looking for the best side hustles for working moms.

In my books, freelance writing, virtual assisting, and blogging stand out not only for their flexibility and scalability but also for the profound sense of fulfillment they bring. However, each of these ventures taps into the innate creativity, organizational prowess, and communicative clarity that so many working moms possess in spades.

For the working mom looking to redefine her work-life balance, these opportunities are a gateways to autonomy, mastery, and, ultimately, a more satisfying way of life. Embrace the journey, and let your passions lead the way to new horizons.

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